Symposium Registration Open – FINAL Program!

43rd Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium: November 7, 2024 at MADE@Plainfield, Plainfield, Indiana

You may download the Symposium agenda here: SYMPOSIUM AGENDA

The link for conference registration is:

Early registration is now through October 21, 2024. This year, the IWRA Member symposium registration fee ($45) includes your 2025 IWRA Membership! Please register early so we can get an accurate head count for lunch!

Please also consider a donation to our student scholarship fund; we have a large number of student presentations this year, and all student presenters attend the conference for free.

The Symposium will be at the MADE@Plainfield facility (1610 Reeves Rd, Plainfield, IN 46168). Check-in and on-site registration will begin at 8:00 am ET on Thursday, November 7. Abundant free parking is available at the facility.

The event starts at 9:00 am ET, and will feature speakers discussing topics related to water planning, drought hydrology, climate change, and water quality. The Symposium will conclude around 4:30 pm ET.

Symposium Highlights!

  • Dr. Jack Wittman of INTERA will give a keynote presentation of the 10-year update of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce Water Policy and Planning report.
  • Professor Eliza Brown (DePauw University), a composer, will introduce their significant piece of music based on field recordings taken along Big Walnut Creek (Putnam County, Indiana), which will be premiered at DePauw University next May.
  • A lively poster session over the lunch hour will present research findings from over a dozen scientists (many students), and will include an audio station for those interested in experiencing how Professor Brown incorporated the water cycle into The Listening Year at Big Walnut Creek.

This year, our awards presentation will recognize key contributions from Scott Morlock (U.S. Geological Survey) and Harold Templin (Indiana Department of Environmental Management), who recently passed and are greatly missed by their colleagues and friends.

We will also have a business meeting and time to socialize at the nearby Coachman Restaurant and Lounge following the Symposium (6112 Cambridge Way, Plainfield, IN 46168).

43rd Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium: Call for Presentations

Deadline: September 27, 2024

Symposium Overview

The 43rd Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium is shifting in timing and format this year. The one-day symposium will be held this fall on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the MADE@Plainfield facility (1610 Reeves Rd, Plainfield, IN 46168).

At this year’s one-day in-person event in November, we will host a diverse group of interagency partners and collaborators to present on topics related to water resources in Indiana. Please submit an abstract of your work to be considered for presentation!

The 2024 symposium committee is seeking oral and poster presentations on a wide range of topics related to water including: Public Health and Safety: contamination, flooding, drought, vulnerable groundwater supply, microplastics, harmful algae blooms, arsenic, PFAS, and other water-related health and safety concerns. Habitat: invasive or endangered species, low and high flows, sedimentation, pollution, and other effects on in-stream or other species. Environmental Response: bank stability, ground subsidence, floodplain considerations, and storage losses. Infrastructure: water monitoring, integrated water-resource management, public and industrial water supply, source-water protection, stormwater, treatment, distribution, and mapping.

In addition to these “theme” topics, we would love to hear about water-resource issues and activities in your area of expertise. IWRA is particularly effective in bringing together professionals and students from a variety of water resources and related disciplines and provides a relaxed forum for presentations and discussion. To that end, presentations on any topic concerning water resources research, assessment, planning, management, protection, development, or education are solicited.

Our one-day symposium schedule will have time for 14 oral presentations. We are also seeking poster presentations to communicate your work!

Student presentations are encouraged, and students receive financial support to present (see Student Scholarships). The cost of presenting will be covered by the IWRA Student Scholarship Fund. Presentations are not required to be original material. We welcome presentations given previously to other organizations.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted via email to Sally Letsinger ( Please use the subject line “2024 IWRA Abstract”. Abstracts should be in Microsoft Word or Adobe Portable Document formats, should not exceed one page, and should include: 

•   A description of the issue or problem, the methods or approach, results, and implications for water-resources research or management.

•   The title, author(s), and affiliations. Please include contact information (email and telephone) for the presenting author. Please indicate if the presenting author is a student.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is September 27, 2024.

Symposium Registration Fees

Registration fees have not yet been determined but are expected to be very affordable (and will include lunch). Information on registration fees will be provided later this fall in the symposium announcement and at the IWRA web site Student presenters will have their registration fees paid by IWRA.

Student Scholarships

IWRA especially values student presentations and sponsors a Student Scholarship Fund designed to cover student expenses for attending and presenting at the Spring Symposium. All student-submitted abstracts will be considered for a scholarship. Please contact Sally Letsinger,, if you have questions concerning student scholarships.

Schedule for Abstract Submission, Acceptance, and Presentations

  • September 27, 2024                Deadline for abstract submissions
  • October 4, 2024                      Notification of abstract acceptanceformat
  • November 7, 2024                   43rd IWRA Symposium

Following the symposium, the IWRA will host our fall business meeting and social hour. More info to follow!

The Indiana Water Resources Association

The Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) was founded in 1979 as a state section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA, to promote water resources research, education, and communication in Indiana. The IWRA is an organization of several hundred professionals and students working in all aspects of water resources. Its members include scientists, engineers, technicians, environmental health specialists, regulators, educators, lawyers, policy makers, and students from government, universities, industry, consulting firms, and other water-related groups. One of the main goals of IWRA is to facilitate communication and the exchange of information within the water-resources community of Indiana. Please view our conferences as an opportunity to present your work, in a relatively informal atmosphere, to Indiana’s water-resource professionals. Because many of our members do not regularly attend national meetings, we encourage you to present papers that you may have given previously at national or regional professional meetings.

Further Information:

For further information about the 2024 IWRA Symposium, please contact IWRA Symposium committee member Sally Letsinger, Additional information concerning IWRA is located at the Indiana Water Resources Association website:

IWRA Membership for 2024

With the new year comes the opportunity to begin or renew your membership in the Indiana Water Resources Association. Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) is a scientific and educational not-for-profit organization established to encourage interdisciplinary communication among persons working in all aspects of water resources. Dues for the calendar year are $30.00 for a regular member and $10.00 for a student member. To use this online payment option, payment processing fees will be added. A voluntary contribution to the IWRA Student Scholarship Fund also may be made.

Questions concerning memberships may be directed to Joe Schmees ( or Sally Letsinger (

If you would like to pay (join or renew) your 2023 Indiana Water Resources Association Membership fees online, you may do so here: The annual regular membership fee is $34.00, ($30.00 plus a $4.00 fee to process the payment online). A student membership is $10 (online payment fees waived).

Checks are still happily accepted (and with no additional fees). Mail this form and your check to the address on the form.

Either method of joining the IWRA or renewing your 2024 membership allows the opportunity for a tax-deductible donation to the IWRA Student Scholarship Fund, which supports attendance and presentations by students at our Spring symposium. Please be generous!

Thank you for your support of the Indiana Water Resources Association!

IWRA Membership Committee

2023 IWRA Award winners – CONGRATULATIONS!

Several colleagues were recognized at this year’s Indiana Water Resources Association symposium for their contributions to the profession. To read about this year’s award winners and their accomplishments: 2023 Awards Summary.pdf

Bechert Award: Randy Bayless, U.S. Geological Survey

Outstanding achievement awards:

  • Academic sector: Rod Williams, Purdue University
  • Private sector: Indra Frank, Hoosier Environmental Council
  • Public sector: Dave Knipe, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Outstanding student presentation awards:

  • Karthik B. Shivaram; Purdue University – for the poster on “Algal-bacterial consortia to treat high-strength shell egg processing wastewater”
  • Dongseok Yang; Purdue University – for the presentation on “Eco-intensification using recycled drainage water for fertigation”