44th Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium: Call for Presentation Abstracts

Deadline: April 14, 2025
Download the call for abstracts here

Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium
Foundations and Future
June 25-27, 2025
Abe Martin Lodge at Brown County State Park

The IWRA would like to invite you to participate in the 44th Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium to explore essential topics in water resource management and future innovations. This symposium will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration, focusing on essential tools and strategies for effective water resource planning now and in the future. Join us as we work together towards informed water management throughout Indiana.

Symposium Themes

Understanding Fundamentals: Revisit the core principles of water resource management, including components of the water cycle, water quality, and the environment.
Innovative Technologies: Explore the latest technological advancements that are reshaping water conservation and management.
Collaborative Solutions: Foster collaboration among stakeholders to develop integrated and sustainable water resource management strategies.
Future Challenges: Identify key challenges such as weather and climate variability, population growth, and economic development that impact water resources.

Call for Abstracts

Interested in participating as an individual oral or poster presentation?
• Submit your abstract along with this form to Garth Lindner at glindner@dnr.in.gov by April 14, 2025
• Choose one of the themes listed above for your presentation
• Abstracts should be limited to 250-500 words

Symposium Registration Fees

Registration fees have not yet been determined but we are very focused on affordability. Information on registration fees will be provided later this spring in the symposium program announcement and at the IWRA web site www.iwra.info. Student presenters will have their registration fees paid by IWRA.

Student Scholarships

IWRA especially values student presentations and sponsors a Student Scholarship Fund designed to cover student expenses for attending and presenting at the Spring Symposium. All student-submitted abstracts will be considered for a scholarship. Please contact Sally Letsinger, sletsing@iu.edu, if you have questions concerning student scholarships.

Schedule for Abstract Submission, Acceptance, and Presentations

  • April 14, 2025                Deadline for abstract submissions
  • April 28, 2025 (approx) Notification of abstract acceptance
  • June 25-27, 2025            44th IWRA Symposium

The Indiana Water Resources Association

The Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) was founded in 1979 as a state section of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA, www.awra.org) to promote water resources research, education, and communication in Indiana. The IWRA is an organization of several hundred professionals and students working in all aspects of water resources. Its members include scientists, engineers, technicians, environmental health specialists, regulators, educators, lawyers, policy makers, and students from government, universities, industry, consulting firms, and other water-related groups. One of the main goals of IWRA is to facilitate communication and the exchange of information within the water-resources community of Indiana. Please view our conferences as an opportunity to present your work, in a relatively informal atmosphere, to Indiana’s water-resource professionals. Because many of our members do not regularly attend national meetings, we encourage you to present papers that you may have given previously at national or regional professional meetings.

Further Information:

For further information about the 2025 IWRA Symposium, please contact IWRA President Garth Lindner, glindner@dnr.in.gov. Additional information concerning IWRA is located at the Indiana Water Resources Association website: www.iwra.info